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Writer's pictureTina Dodds

New Year, New You?

Nah - Try this instead!


>>> To receive info about the next adventure, opt in for updates, inspiration, and life hacks HERE!

This New Year, as the media glorifies the achievement of a “New You” (insert “the ideal” bod), I encourage you to slow your roll and consider something radical - consider what it is that you really want and most importantly why.

Sure, exercising and cleaning up your diet could lead to feeling better in your jeans.

But here’s the thing, these are not the sole determinants of your happiness and success - in your body or in your life.


This one precious life has got a helluva lot more layers to it than that.

Fail to see life for what it really is, a beautiful web of experiences, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and habits, and you’ll find yourself sliding right back to the very place you started, which can be a total mind F and major spirit slayer.

If we’ve learned anything over the past couple of years, it’s that life’s too short for unnecessary BS and suffering.

Ain’t nobody got time or energy for that.

That’s why I’ve put together The Reset: A 10-week adventure that is all about helping you find your way to feeling better in your body and creating more of what you want in your life.

Now, while that may include breakin’ a sweat and chewin’ on some leafy greens, more important is how this experience will help shine light on potential blind spots - these are the areas many aren’t aware of that also have an impact on our health, happiness, and overall success both in life and at work.

With blind spots illuminated, a simple roadmap to follow, and playful, growth-minded community to lean on, this 10-week adventure will have participants…

  • Feeling better.

  • Thinking better.

  • Relaxing better.

  • Focusing better.

  • Prioritizing better.

  • Sleeping better.

  • Communicating better.

  • Parenting better.

  • Leading better.

  • And loving better.

But wait…that’s not all.

This 10-week experience will also support…

  • Better mood.

  • Better relationships.

  • Better understanding.

  • Better clarity.

  • Better opportunities.

  • Better energy.

  • Better balance.

  • Better habits.

  • Better health.

  • And a better experience of life.

But let me be clear.

This is not about striving for better because you are not already enough.

Good lord is it NOT about that.

What it IS about is acknowledging that you are enough NO MATTER WHAT and have the power to create just about any damn thing you want in your life with the right awareness, action, community, and “why”.

Inside this program, you’ll be inspired to set the stage for your own personal transformation through:

  • quick and easy daily rituals

  • once weekly 10 to 20-minute informative, inspiring, and action-oriented workshops

  • once weekly instructor lead movement sessions

  • bi-monthly, 60-minute community calls

    • where you’ll receive live support:

      • working through your roadblocks

      • getting your questions answered

      • and sharing your wins while connecting with fellow members of The Reset community!

  • PLUS opportunities to win prizes for taking damn good care of yourself!

[Scroll down for a complete overview of this adventure, including dates/times.]

Wondering if you got time for all that?

This adventure was designed with accessibility in mind.

When you consider that the average person spends about 2 hours/day on social media alone...comparatively, this experience, a true investment in YOU and your well-being, will take only fraction of that!

While there will be opportunities to join us live (and even in-person for a few special events if you live locally - woot, woot) if you can't make it - no sweat.

Sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience for the duration of the program.

Now tell me, is that something you can get down with?

Maybe you’re even thinking of a friend that you’d like to be on this adventure with!

If so, I invite you and a couple friends to claim a spot inside this experience.

We kick things off Sunday, January 16th.

You in?

Click the button below to make it official!


>>> While you missed the boat on this adventure, the good news is you can join us in the future! CLICK HERE to receive updates, inspiration, and life hacks.

Listen, no matter what you decide to do as you head into the New Year, may you remember that you inherently deserve to feel good in your body and in your life…and not just in the way that our mainstream culture depicts in the media.

Know that health, happiness, and success can be yours when you slow down and take this very important first step: define them for yourself.

BIG love,



THE RESET: An Overview


  • January 16 - March 27, 2022


  • Online (with special opportunities to attend in-person sessions)

Calendar of Events

The Reset Launch [live]

Sunday, January 16 at 9am

Community/Coaching Calls [live]

Wednesday, January 26 at 6pm

Wednesday, February 9 at 6pm

Wednesday, February 23 at 6pm

Wednesday, March 9 at 6pm

Wednesday, March 23 at 6pm

Weekly Workshops [live + recorded]

Sundays at 9am

Weekly Movement Sessions + In-Person Special Events

calendar of live, in-person, and recorded events will be sent to you before launch day

Don't Miss A Thing!

  • All workshops, community calls, and movement sessions will be recorded and you will have access to the recordings for the duration of the program - so you won't miss a thing if you can't attend real-time!

  • In-person sessions will take place in the East Bay Area (Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, and surrounding cities)

  • A calendar of events will be sent to you as we get closer to the launch

You in?

Click the button below to claim your spot!


Join us for the next one!


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