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Writer's pictureTina Dodds

Do More of This and Feel Better

How gathering around the table can do much more than just fuel your body.

Gathering around the table can do so much more than just fuel our bodies.

It can feed our souls.

This is why I LOVE to integrate dining experiences into my events, taking special care to serve up delicious foods prepared by peeps who infuse love and joy into their creations. (yes, you can actually taste the love)

Cool thing is, it doesn’t take a special event to experience this. WE can create it any time we want.

And while it might take more time than we think we have, the payoff is def worth the time and effort if living a happy, healthy life is something we aspire to.

BTW, this is not just my opinion, this is science. Check out the research below.


  1. The more we eat with others the more happy and satisfied we’re likely to feel in our lives.

  2. People who eat socially are more likely to feel better about themselves and have a wider social network capable of providing social and emotional support.

  3. Communal eating increases social bonding and feelings of well-being, and enhances one’s sense of connectedness.

Is something getting in the way of you taking a seat?

Below are a few life hacks for the most common obstacles.

If you live alone or lack a posse to join you in getting your grub on...

Consider asking one of your work peeps or a neighbor or the parent of one of your kids’ friends. While this can feel vulnerable, you’d be surprised how many others are just as “hungry” for connection as you. (it's a thing and it's especially more common these days)

Got a posse, but you don’t hook up on the regular?

Consider setting up a standing lunch or dinner date - even if it’s every other week or once a month.

Live with family members but everyone is on a different schedule?

Start by pulling out the 'ol calendar and meeting your family where they are. Is there only 1 date a month that looks reasonable? Cool - put it on the calendar and make a point to check-in to book the next date and the next. Just get the ball rolling!

What about COVID?

Outdoor picnics are great if you’re worried about COVID Cooties. Consider rollin' BYOF-style and encourage those you invite to bring along their fav foods plus a chair so you can help kick anxiety to the curb while still reaping the bennies of kickin' it.

Listen, there are all kinds of ways to slice it and dice it but the point is that connection is key to our health and well-being and planting your backside around a table with others is a great way to do yourself a solid.


If your list of quality connections is short or if you're looking for opportunities to be in the company of playful people who are all about livin' more and stressin' less...


Soon to be released is a calendar of events that includes fun adventures for the mind, body, and spirit.

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